Hi all,
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and here’s to a Happy, Healthy New year.
We are closed now until Sunday 1st March 2020, which is the start of the 20/21 New Season.
No rest for us though, some road widening, tarmacking, improving and developing some plots. All jobs that are best done whilst we are closed to minimize the disruption to you all.
We have been busy over the last few months trying to get everyone up to date with our Park Contracts, 100% success. All owners are now in receipt of the one of the most up to date Contracts available in the Industry.
We will be concentrating now on ensuring all owners are up to date with Insurance, Annual Gas Certificates and 3 yearly Electricity Certificates, as per you Park Contract and most Insurance Providers requirements.
That’s it for now, but look out for any updates and news on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/garthholidaypark/ OR just type in Garth Holiday Park on your search bar in Facebook.
Hope to catch up with you all in the new season, roll on 1st March !!
Regards, Ed and the Garth Team.